
Basic First Aid Training

Basic First Aid Training

Duration:- Three days
Venue:- Kathmandu

General first aid procedures
Lecture about altitude illness (AMS/HAPE/HACE)
Use of hyperbaric chambers
We hope the three days first aid training will help for every mountaineers, trekking guide and other who related with outdoor adventure sports they are able to manage the situation for from expert help, providing the first aid to the victim and save the life.

This training is designed to meet the needs of high mountaineers, trip leaders ,camp staffs, outdoor enthusiast and individuals working in a remote area where doctor or medical is not possible. The course will introduce us to caring for people who become ill or injured far from definitive medical care. Through the theoretical and practical demonstration trainee mock patient will challenge you to integrate learning.

The training will provide the knowledge, skill and ability to make sound decisions in emergency situations.

The 3 day introductory medical skills to individuals who are highly motivated with mountain spirits adventures. Through a hands-on and scenario-based approach, this course offers the skills and confidence needed to make informed medical decisions when definitive care is hours away.The First Aid training includes a broad range of introductory medical skills and topics, including: patient assessment, shock, lifting & moving patients, head injuries, wound management & infection, musculus skeletal and spinal injury management, respiratory & cardiac emergencies, abdominal pain, metabolic & allergic reactions, cold/heat emergencies, altitude, altered mental state, immersion & submersion, lightning, legal considerations, and more.

This type of training conducted by NMIA gives the real life examples of how to handle the injuries in the wilderness by the professional instructors.

Affiliated with

Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation (NATHM)Yves Pollet Villard Fondation of FranceEmbassy of French RepublicNepal Mountaineering AssociationEcole Nationale de Ski et d'AlpinismeGendarmerie of FranceIFREMMONT of FranceNepal National Mountaineering Guide Association (NNMGA)